Balcones Canyonlands Preserve


The Balcones Canyonlands Preserve serves a niche ecosystem located in the Lower Colorado River Basin as an integral part of the 3rd largest water shed in the state. Downstream many agricultural communities depend on adequate flow and quality for operations from the flow of Colorado river.  The protection of water resources is a critical competent to protecting downstream estuaries that drain into the Gulf of Mexico. These areas serve important ecological foundations on the coastal plain. They are important stop overs for many migratory bird species, the prevention of coastal erosion, and large amount of carbon sequestration and sediment deposition.

The importance of protecting biodiversity surrounding water resources in an arid climate locally has implications on many diverse ecosystems. For example, many resource managers are just now including baseline environmental flows required for continued ecological function in hydrological assessments. The Texas Water development board which over sees these assessments states the need for protection and planning water resources as large portions of surface water in the state drains to the Gulf of Mexico. The management of surface and groundwater with a rapidly growing population will need to also address threats to biodiversity with increased drought droughts due to climate change.

Biodiversity is the complete inclusion of all living organisms and their biotic communities, the range of genetic and phenotypic traits and adaptations found in these communities, and abiotic factors such as the biochemical processes that an ecosystem requires to function. This wide range includes microscopic single celled bacteria up to the largest animals on the planet, all expressed and potential genetic traits both dominant and recessive, and the abiotic processes such as the hydrological cycle, soil formation and erosion, gas exchange, and weather and climate influences on the physical environment.




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